Welcome back from Dr. Neal
Dr. Mathew Neal Headshot

Dear Moffat County School District parents and families,

We are so pleased to be welcoming students back to school this week. It’s been a great summer, and we hope your family is excited to return to the school year.

At times like this, I find it important to be grateful and acknowledge those who have come before, setting the stage for the great future ahead. We truly stand on the shoulders of giants, Moffat County staff who have built a foundation for a great school district and a great community. We give thanks to those who came before—including, among them, many who remain within our ranks today—and fully intend to honor their work by carrying it on this school year and for many to come.

This district is moving in a truly positive direction. Despite a great deal of change at every level over the past several years, I can tell you that as I look at our most recent results, I am extremely confident in our heading. We are looking to keep that momentum building as we continue to grow, improve and raise the bar for this community. While we face many challenges, we are charging forward with a head of steam.

On a personal note, it’s been just about 45 days since I joined the district as your superintendent, and I can’t tell you what a joy it’s been to get to know this community. Both inside and outside of the district, I have met some of the kindest, most generous, most compassionate and welcoming families and individuals in my short time in Moffat County. This community is full of truly good people, and I am all the more dedicated to leading this district forward to become what Moffat County needs and deserves from its schools.

I’m so proud to have a number of high-quality new teachers joining our team, as well as a really strong crew of experienced teachers remaining with the district this year. Our increased teacher pay in the district has made us much more competitive for quality educators and staff, and I can’t tell you how much more capable that makes us when it comes to delivering top-notch education to our students. This team is truly powerful, and it’s going to accomplish great things.

I’d like to offer a request for patience as we get started. It’s a time of adjustment, of new people in new places (including parents and children), and that means there will be learning taking place at all levels. Give grace, if you would, in the drop-off/pick-up lines, in the classrooms, and to one another. We’re all working so hard to provide a great experience, and sometimes that takes time to get right. We’re grateful for your patience with each other and with us.

If you have questions, your school secretary should be your first call or email. Our wonderful staff members are ready to help. They will connect you to the right people in the district if they don’t have access to what you need right away, and in many cases, they can help you themselves. We appreciate our secretaries and hope you utilize their expertise.

Let’s have a fantastic school year together, Moffat County. We’re so glad you’re back.

See you out there!

Dr. Mathew Neal

Superintendent of Schools

Moffat County School District

Our Mission and Belief Statements

Our Mission Statement

MCSD will educate and inspire students to thrive in an environment of change.

Our Belief Statements

We believe.......

  • All students can learn.
  • In providing multiple paths for students to demonstrate success.
  • Collaboration among all stakeholders fosters innovation.
  • Students, staff, families and community, all play vital roles in the success and growth of MCSD.
  • In addressing the mental, physical and social well-being of children.
  • In educating children in a way that aligns with their learning strengths and passions.
  • Everyone deserves a healthy and safe environment.
  • All students deserve opportunities to participate in programs and activities.