Early Childhood Education

The Moffat County School District’s Early Childhood Program serves children with a variety of educational needs, including children with identified special education needs. Services offered to children with disabilities or special education needs are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Children participate in enriching activities based on the Creative Curriculum model. The Early Childhood Program utilizes funding from Colorado Preschool Program (CPP), State and Federal Special Education Funds, and Tuition.
Or goal is to help each child develop a positive self-image, a positive attitude toward learning and to support children’s social and educational development.
All services are provided in partnership with families and family participation in all aspects of the program is welcomed.
The program is licensed by the Colorado Department of Human Services to serve children ages 3 through 5 and is available to residents of the Moffat County School District. Contact the Early Childhood Education office at (970) 824-7457.